The Center for Youth and Family Solutions is truly grateful to our forward-thinking supporters as we begin our journey. Between now and June 30, 2015, we are recognizing all individuals, families, foundations, organizations and businesses who have donated $1,000 or more, or who have provided equivalent support through critical business services or goods by naming them Founding Partners.
Founding Partners of The Center for Youth and Family Solutions will be permanently recognized on our website and in major publications for their support of our mission at this critical time. Please consider joining this group of deeply-committed, caring individuals supporting our mission.
“Sue and I consider our contribution to The Center for Youth and Family Solutions to be an investment in our community and the surrounding area. In our estimation, there is no better investment one can make than in our youth and families,” ~ Matt O’Brien. Founding Partners: Matt and Sue O’Brien
- Ethan Trainor Memorial Fund
- Debbie Aurelius-Muir and John Muir
- Robert and Mary Byram
- Lloyd and Katherine Culier
- Clarence A. and Lili B. Darrow
- Donald and Victoria DeBastiani
- Scott and Pam Dixon
- Michael and Mary Drymiller
- Donald and Judith Eckman
- Daryl and Paliicia Fortin
- Jim and Tricia Fox
- Tim and Joanne Glancy
- Scott and Stephanie Nicholson-Hassett
- Nick and Kristi Heskett
- Matt and Julie Hohulin
- William and Lydia Hohulin
- Bill Howe and Monica Verbeke-Howe
- Brian Johnson
- Brian and Katie Kurtz
- Lynda Lange
- Thomas and Caren Laughlin
- Janet, Neil and Josh Mathis
- Philip Mayer
- Robert McCartney and Kristanne Garrison
- Duane H. McKillip
- Jeff and Jane Myers
- Matt and Sue O’Brien
- Bryan and Aimee O’Neal
- Jane E. Ohaver, P.C.
- Veronica Ohler
- Richard and Lorrie Polesky
- Nathaniel Prather
- Juan and Leslie Raya
- Mary Riordan
- Tony, Julie, and Jenna Riordan
- Leonard Sachs
- Robert Snyder
- Joe and Ruth Urbanc
- Dr. Ryan Walsh
- Scott Yehl
Corporations/Civic Organizations
- Adams Outdoor Advertising
- Ameren Illinois
- AWC, Inc.
- Brookmeadows Apartments
- Capitol Holdings, Ltd.
- Christ the King Catholic Church-Social Concerns
- Commerce Bank
- Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc.
- Digital Copy Systems
- F & M Bank
- First Federated Church
- Fondulac Park District
- First Midwest Bank
- Heritage Church
- Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC
- John Graham and Associates, Inc.
- Knuckles Pizza
- Kohl’s
- Kuhl Company Insurance
- Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc.
- Legacy Investment Services, Inc.
- Liberty Mutual
- Lincoln Christian University
- LMA Consulting, LLC
- MBB+hippo
- McCaw Medical Clinic
- McDonough County VIBE
- Midland National Life Insurance Company
- Nerdwerx
- Normal Cornbelters
- Pearl Technology
- RLI Corp
- St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
- Staples (Pekin)
- Tazewell and Woodford Youth Services Board
- State Farm
- Tazwood Community Services, Inc.
- The Forgotten Initiative
- Trademark Title Services, LLC
- Trinity Lutheran Church-Endowment Fund
- Two25
- Wildlife Prairie Park
- ACBL Charity Foundation
- The Amy Helpenstell Foundation
- Caterpillar Foundation
- Community Foundation of Great River Bend
- The Doris and Victor Day Foundation
- Enterprise Holdings Foundation
- The Moline Foundation
- Rex and Nelle Jackson Foundation
- Rock Island Community Foundation
- State Farm Companies Foundation
- Ethan Trainor Memorial
- Wilfred (BILL) Harris Memorial
Local United Way Supporters
- Heart of Illinois United Way
- Spoon River County United Way
- Eureka United Way
- Pekin United Way
- McLean County United Way
- Fairbury Community Fund
- Bureau County United Way
- United Way of Illinois Valley
- Eastern LaSalle County United Way
- Streator United Way
- Champaign County United Way
- United Way of Knox County
- Warren County United Way
- Quad Cities United Way
- Geneseo Community Chest
- Kewanee Area United Way
- ILLOWA Combined Federal Campaign
- McDonough County United Way
- United Way of Logan County
- United Way of Danville Area
- United Way of Grant Township