CYFS Announces the Summer Wine Down Raffle Winners
We are excited to announce our lucky winners from our CYFS Summer Wine Down Raffle! A total of 671 tickets were sold, and all proceeds will go towards our Just Like Me fund which supports enrichment and extra-curricular activities for children receiving our services so that they can enjoy being a kid and have a sense of normalcy! A heartfelt thanks to all who purchased a raffle ticket! Know that your contribution will truly uplift children and put a smile on their faces!
1st Prize – $3000 Alexander Travel gift voucher: Kem Jackson of Geneseo
2nd Prize- Heritage Square gift basket filled with gift cards and $500 cash: Erich and Becky Crismore of Peoria
3rd Prize: Maui Jim gift basket including a VIP card for non-prescription sunglasses of your choice: Jim Collins of LaSalle
4th Prize: Blanchard Family Wines One Year Platinum Wine Club Membership: Susan Sandoval of Knoxville
5th Prize: A set of four beautifully hand-blown wine glasses and topper from J Draper glass and a bottle of Blanchard Family wine: Shari Hess of Carbon Cliff
6th Prize: a set of 5 spirits from Black Band Distillery: Rebecca Friend of Abington
You can watch the official raffle drawing below!