CYFS Urges Preservation of Funding for Critical Human Services in the FY15 State Budget
At The Center for Youth and Family Solutions, we know that state budget decisions that Illinois legislators will be making in the next two weeks will have a direct and profound impact on the lives of many of the most vulnerable children, families, and seniors we serve. Programs for abused and neglected children, the elderly, and at-risk teens are facing truly devastating cuts.
Because we know what is at stake, CYFS Board President Mike Drymiller submitted a letter to the editor this week to the major news publications in our service area, advocating for the preservation of current funding for critical services. Mike’s letter passionately outlined the programs and interventions that we know are identified for cuts and the unimaginable impact on kids and seniors. We also know that letting social problems go unaddressed ends up costing the public sector much more in the long run. Mike’s letter points out some of the expensive long term costs that will result from eliminating effective interventions provided by CYFS.
It is our sincere hope that Illinoisans educate themselves on the budget battle in Springfield and lend their voices to the discussion. You can help us protect those we serve by writing to your local legislators, urging them to Preserve Funding for Critical Human Services in the FY’15 State Budget.
Read the letter to the editor submitted by CYFS Board President Mike Drymiller.