Volunteers…Making a Difference Every Day, Connecting People, Helping Others with Life’s Challenges
The week of April 6-12, 2014 is designated as National Volunteer Week. The Center for Youth and Family Solutions would like to thank the dedicated volunteers we work with every day, in our mission to serve children and families in Central Illinois. “Volunteering is a way to share your gifts, gain experience, meet new friends, and give back to your community,” said CYFS Volunteer Coordinator Sue Hirschman. “We are grateful for the volunteers that donate so much of their time and talents to our agency.” Hirschman often shares this with prospective volunteers as she discusses the various opportunities for involvement.
Last year, 240 volunteers and 51 interns shared 22,185 hours with our agency. From making sure the toys in our visitation rooms are clean for our children, to reading to the youth at our residential facility, to visiting with a lonely senior as part of our Friendly Visitor Program, volunteers are an essential part of the work we do. Additionally, we want to thank our board members and community members on our advancement teams, who help promote our activities and raise awareness for our agency. For information on volunteering for The Center for Youth and Family Solutions, contact Sue Hirschman at 309-323-6632 or by e-mail at shirschman@cyfsolutions.org.
Read about a recent project completed by a great group of volunteers from Eureka High School.