The major focus of the Youth, Family, and Community Outreach Services is to offer prevention, diversion and intervention services targeting youth to stabilize families in crisis, prevent juvenile delinquency and divert youth at risk of involvement in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems.
The Center for Youth and Family Solutions strongly supports performance measure evaluation and participates fully with all Department required data collection, reporting, standards assessment review, performance measure reviews and all additional requirements the Department establishes.
In addition to the required program evaluation processes required by the Department and other funding sources, we have established internal performance evaluation tracking and other program quality improvement/evaluation processes. Our internal Continuous Quality Improvement plan includes annual program performance outcome tracking, peer file reviews, quarterly file audits and a client satisfaction survey process.
Program Funding
The majority of the funding for this program comes from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and the Illinois Department of Human Services. Supplemental funding is received from local government agencies as well as other grants and charitable foundations.

For referral information and program eligibility, please contact the local Youth Family Community Outreach Program Supervisor at the Branch nearest you.
- Rock Island | Nicole Sodawasser, 309-788-9581
- Galesburg | Erika Parks, 309-342-1136
- Peoria | Betty Porter, 309-323-6573
- Champaign | Julian Hernandez, 217-352-5179
- Bloomington | Julian Hernandez, 217-352-5179
- Macomb | Erika Parks, 309-833-1791
- Crisis Response Services for Runaways
- Outreach Community – Based Services for At-Risk Families
- Community Advocacy, Planning & Problem Solving Services
- Resources for Clients