Services are for youth, ages 10-17, that are at risk of involvement in the child welfare and/or juvenile justice system. The primary purpose of the Crisis Response Services program is to provide at-risk youth with a continuum of services according to their needs, with the overarching goal of family preservation, reunification or independence. Such services are directed at assuring that youth, who either come in contact or may come in contact with the child welfare or juvenile justice systems, will have access to needed community, prevention, diversion, emergency or independent living services.
Sometimes thought of as the “grandfather” of all of Illinois’ programs and services for at-risk youth, Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services has been in operation since January 1, 1983. The program has a statutory mandate to provide short-term crisis intervention services to youth who have run away from home; whose parents will not allow them to return to their home; or who are generally beyond the control of their parents. By law, the program must be available in every area of the state, 24 hours a day.
- Divert youth from juvenile justice and child welfare system
- 24– hour crisis response
- Intake and assessment
- Follow-up case management
- Linkage to community services
Client referrals for the program come from police departments, schools, families and other community providers.
95.0% of satisfaction survey respondents reported being either satisfied or very satisfied with overall experience of program.
97% of all closed cases annually result in family reunification or preservation or long-term Family Generated Placement at case closure.
- Available in Tazewell, Woodford, Champaign, Fulton, McDonough, Henderson, Warren, Knox, Henry, Rock Island, Mercer, Ford, and Iroquois Counties.
Statistical Data
Over 500 clients served annually.
For referral information and program eligibility, please contact the local Youth Family Community Outreach Program Supervisor at the branch nearest you.
- Rock Island covering Rock Island Mercer, Henry, and Ford Counties – Nicole Sodawasser – 309-788-9581
- Galesburg covering Knox, Henderson, Warren, and Henry Counties – Erika Parks – 309-342-1136
- Peoria covering Tazewell, Iroquois, and Woodford Counties – Betty Porter– 309-323-6573
- Champaign covering Champaign County – Julian Hernandez – 217-352-5179
- Macomb covering McDonough and Fulton Counties – Erika Parks – 309-342-1136